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Helpful Downloads

Helpful Downloads

Below are some downloads that you may find helpful 


Convert ACT! to CSV-Excel  Description of data returned from CSV extract.

Convert ACT! to  Step by step instructions to import the output from the Exporter software into  Using the Salesforce Apex Dataloader.

Convert ACT! to ZOHO   Step by step instructions to import the output from the Exporter software into ZOHO.  Using the ZOHO migration software.

ACT! V19 Data Dictionary This is a technical document describing the tables, field definitions and relationships in the ACT! database.


Export Samples and Demo Database

ACT! V16Demo Export   This .zip archive contains a sample ACT! Database (ACT2014Demo.adf,ACT2014Demo.alf) and extracts for Access, CSV/Excel, Salesforce and ZOHO.


Exporter Download

Select the link below to download the latest version of the Exporter software.  This release can only be activated with serial numbers issued in 2021 and later.  It is intended for the support of previous users.   It is NOT code stamped so you will get a warning message from Windows security.   In the warning box, select More Info and then Run Anyway.

Download Exporter 2023.8.30